These days, virtually all completely new personal computers come with SSD drives as opposed to HDD drives. You’ll find superlatives to them throughout the professional press – that they are a lot faster and conduct far better and they are the future of home computer and laptop manufacturing.

Nevertheless, how do SSDs fare in the website hosting world? Could they be responsible enough to substitute the successful HDDs? At 1st Hosting, we will help you much better comprehend the differences between an SSD and an HDD and choose which one best fits you needs.

1. Access Time


Because of a radical new approach to disk drive general performance, SSD drives make it possible for faster file access rates. Having an SSD, data access instances are far lower (as small as 0.1 millisecond).


HDD drives depend on rotating disks for data storage purposes. Every time a file is being accessed, you will have to wait around for the appropriate disk to get to the appropriate position for the laser to view the data file involved. This ends in a standard access rate of 5 to 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


Because of the same radical solution that enables for quicker access times, it’s also possible to experience far better I/O efficiency with SSD drives. They can conduct twice as many functions within a given time compared with an HDD drive.

An SSD can manage at least 6000 IO’s per second.


During the same trials, the HDD drives proved to be significantly slower, with simply 400 IO operations addressed per second. Although this may appear to be a good deal, for people with a hectic web server that contains lots of well–known sites, a slow hard disk drive could lead to slow–loading websites.

3. Reliability


The lack of moving parts and rotating disks in SSD drives, and the recent improvements in electronic interface technology have led to a considerably safer data file storage device, having a common failure rate of 0.5%.


For an HDD drive to work, it must spin a couple metal disks at over 7200 rpm, retaining them magnetically stable in the air. They have a lot of moving elements, motors, magnets and other devices loaded in a small place. So it’s no wonder that the common rate of failing of any HDD drive varies in between 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives are much smaller compared to HDD drives and they do not have any kind of moving elements whatsoever. It means that they don’t make just as much heat and need significantly less electricity to operate and much less energy for chilling reasons.

SSDs consume somewhere between 2 and 5 watts.


From the time they were constructed, HDDs were always really electricity–hungry equipment. Then when you have a web server with multiple HDD drives, this can add to the monthly electricity bill.

On average, HDDs use up in between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


The quicker the data file access speed is, the swifter the file queries can be processed. Because of this the CPU will not have to save assets waiting around for the SSD to reply back.

The normal I/O wait for SSD drives is simply 1%.


As compared with SSDs, HDDs permit slower file accessibility speeds. The CPU will have to await the HDD to send back the inquired data file, scheduling its assets meanwhile.

The average I/O delay for HDD drives is about 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


It’s about time for several real–world examples. We competed a complete system backup with a hosting server only using SSDs for file storage reasons. During that process, the standard service time for an I/O query kept below 20 ms.


In comparison with SSD drives, HDDs feature much slower service times for input/output demands. Throughout a server backup, the common service time for an I/O call varies somewhere between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


A different real–life advancement is the speed at which the backup is produced. With SSDs, a web server back–up currently requires only 6 hours by making use of our server–designed software.


In contrast, with a web server with HDD drives, an identical back up normally requires three or four times as long in order to complete. A full back up of any HDD–powered hosting server may take 20 to 24 hours.

The Linux cloud hosting packages accounts have SSD drives by default. Join our family here, at 1st Hosting, to see the way we may help you supercharge your web site.

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